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Data-Driven Modeling and Analysis of Service Delivery Systems
Deterministic/Stochastic Modeling and their Applications in Service Operations
Capacity Planning/Management for Industrial Applications
Development of Optimization Methodologies : Stochastic Integer Programming (Sample Average Approximation), Benders Decomposition, Branch-and-Bound, Dynamic Programming, Meta-Heuristics, Quantum-Inspired Heuristics, Simulation
Korea University, Seoul, Korea (B.Eng. Industrial Systems and Information Engineering)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), Daejeon, Korea (M.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering)
Purdue University, West Layfayette, IN, USA (Ph.D. Industrial Engineering)
고려대학교 기술경영전문대학원 기술경영학과 주임교수, Seoul, Korea
고려대학교 기술경영전문대학원 기술경영학과 조교수, 부교수, Seoul, Korea
PostDoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
Data Science Fellow, Data Science Visions Trans-Institutional Program, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- Joohang Kang, Byoungil Choi, Chaehong Lim, and Joonyup Eun*, 2025. Cooperation and Competition in an Oligopolistic and Mature Industry: A Case Study on the Cationic Reagent Industry Based on an Optimization Model. Operations Research Perspectives, 14, 100325. (SCIE)
- Hyungjoo Cha, Chanho Lee, Qing-Chang Lu, Chi Xie, Joonyup Eun*, and Taesu Cheong*, 2024. An Exact A∗-based Tree Search Algorithm for TSP with Sequence-and-Load Dependent Risk. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(9), pp 10817-10834. (SCIE)
- Hyungjoo Cha, DongKyun Kim, Joonyup Eun*, and Taesu Cheong*, 2023. Collaborative Traveling Salesman Problem with Ground Vehicle as a Charger for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Transportation Letters−The International Journal of Transportation Research, 15(7), pp 707-721. (SSCI/SCIE)
- Joonyup Eun, Vikram Tiwari*, and Warren S. Sandberg, 2022. Predicting Daily Surgical Volumes Using Probabilistic Estimates of Providers' Future Availability. Decision Sciences, 53(1), pp. 124-149. (Nominated as one of three finalists for the 2023 best paper award at Decision Sciences) (SSCI)
- Eunbi Kim(co-advising with Prof. T. Cheong), Kap Su Han, Taesu Cheong, Sung Woo Lee, Joonyup Eun*, and Su Jin Kim*, 2022. Analysis on Benefits and Costs of Machine Learning-Based Early Hospitalization Prediction. IEEE Access, 10, pp. 32479-32493. (SCIE)
- Junsang Yuh, Joonyup Eun*, and Taesu Cheong*, 2021. Integer Programming Approach and Application of Reformulation-Linearization Technique to Liver Exchange Problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 185, 115599. (SCIE)
- Ahram Jeon, Joohang Kang, Byungil Choi, Nakyung Kim, Joonyup Eun*, and Taesu Cheong*, 2021. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Last-Mile Delivery Considering Backhauls. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 85017-85033. (SCIE)
- Joonyup Eun*, Sang-Phil Kim, Yuehwern Yih, and Vikram Tiwari, 2019. Scheduling Elective Surgery Patients Considering Time-Dependent Health Urgency: Modeling and Solution Approaches. Omega−The International Journal of Management Science, 86, pp. 137-153. (SSCI/SCIE)
- Joonyup Eun, Byung Duk Song, Sangbok Lee, and Dae-Eun Lim*, 2019. Mathematical Investigation on Sustainability of UAV Logistics. Sustainability, 11(21), 5932. (SSCI/SCIE)
- Chul Hun Choi, Joonyup Eun, Jinjian Cao, Seokcheon Lee, and Fu Zhao*, 2018. Global Strategic Level Supply Planning of Materials Critical to Clean Energy Technologies – A Case Study on Indium. Energy, 147, pp. 950-964. (SCIE)
- Joonyup Eun, Chang Sup Sung, and Eun-Seok Kim*, 2017. Maximizing Total Job Value on a Single Machine with Job Selection. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(9), pp. 998-1005. (SSCI/SCIE)
- Junhyup Lee, Keehong Park, and Joonyup Eun*, 2021. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Based Image Augmentation for Casting Data Classification Enhancement. Korean Journal of Logistics, 29(4), pp.25-34. (KCI, in Korean)
- Hyung Joo Lee, Yun Hangbo*, and Joonyup Eun*, 2021. A Study on the Angel Educational Program Design using QFD and Benchmarking. Productivity Review, 35(2), pp. 163-203. (KCI, in Korean)
- Joonyup Eun, Sangbok Lee, and Yuehwern Yih*, 2017. Patient Appointment Scheduling in Jingshan Li, Nan Kong, and Xiaolei Xie (Eds), Stochastic Modeling and Analytics in Healthcare Systems (pp. 1-30), World Scientific Publishing. (Lead article of the book)
Please visit https://solab.korea.ac.kr for more information.
Systems Analytics and Smart Operations 분야는 다양한 산업의 운용 이슈를 시스템적 관점에서 분석하고, 주어진 사회적/경제적 조건 하에서 달성 가능한 최적의 목표를 이루기 위한 의사결정론에 대해서 연구한다.
산업 도메인에 대한 지식을 바탕으로 시스템적 관점에서 모델링을 시행하고, 해당 시스템을 개선할 수 있는 해를 도출하기 위해 결정론적/확률적 정수계획법, 스케쥴링, 메타휴리스틱, 시뮬레이션, 양자 인스파이어드 휴리스틱, 머신러닝, 딥러닝 등의 방법론을 활용한다.