국가가 원하는 인재상
해외우수 대학 인재상
기업이 원하는 인재상
국방을 포함한 산업 전 분야의 현직 종사자 및 전일제 연구원 모두 기술경영전문대학원에 지원 가능
KOREA MOT aims to nurture and educate professional CEO, CGO and CTO candidates who are prepared to apply practical knowledge in their fields with the capability of developing new industries and growth engines as well as commercializing developed technologies. Also, KOREA MOT generates academic scholars versed in cutting-edge technology management theories.
Governments are seeking
Top global universities are considering for acceptance
Corporations are looking to employ
Current professionals in all fields including defense industries, as well as full-time researchers, are eligible to apply to the Graduate School of Management of Technology