Faculty 교수진 We are the Frontiers of Liberty, Justice and Truth


Junghun Kim
기술경영학과  김정훈 조교수 Junghun Kim

Technology Economics


Behavioral Economics

Environmental Economics

Technology Management

Hi-tech Marketing

Demand Forecasting

Technology Policy

Energy & Environmental Policy

Information & Communication Policy







B.S., Environmental Materials Science / Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University

M.A., Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP), Seoul National University

Ph.D. (in Economics), Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP), Seoul National University


Assistant Professor (2024.3. ~ present) : Graduate School of Management of Technology, Korea University

Assistant Professor (2021.3. ~ 2024.2.) : Major in Economics, Division of Economics, Kyonggi University

Associate Research Fellow (2020.1. ~ 2021.2.) : R&D Public Programs Evaluation in Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)

Postdoctoral Researcher (2019.3. ~ 2020.1.) : Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University

Part-time Instructor (2019.3. ~ 2019.8.) : Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP) in Seoul National University

  • 한국혁신학회/기술경영경제학회/인공지능학회/정보통신정책학회 등

  • 현)한국전력거래소(KPX) 혁신위원회 위원
  • 현)한국은행 경기본부 자문교수
  • 현)과학기술정책연구원 예비타당성조사 자문위원
  • 현)한국서부발전 사외기술자문역(신재생정책연구)
  • 현)한국혁신학회(KSOI) 운영위원
  • 현)재단법인 금성장학재단 이사
  • 현)내일신문 고정 칼럼니스트
  • 현)관악연구소(로보어드바이저 벤처기업) 고문
  • 현)GV Consulting / GC Tech / GC Engineering 고문

  • 리셋에너지포럼(신진 간사), 전력포럼, KPX포럼, 한국전력거래소 에너지와 미래연구 등
  • Ad hoc reviewer (Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Telematics & Informatics, Technology in Society, etc.)

  • [1] Subin Park, Jongsu Lee, and Junghun Kim*. “Existence of reference points for innovative services?: In the context of Korean over-the-top service market.” Technology in Society, Volume 76, 102458. March 2024. (SSCI), (IF 10.1 / JCR Top 0.6%).
  • [2] Kyungah Kim and Junghun Kim*. “The study of brand loyalty and switching cost on OTT bundled service choice: Focusing on reference-dependent preferences in the saturated market.” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 77, 103698. March 2024. (SSCI), (IF 11.0 / JCR Top 2.5%).
  • [3] Sungho Moon, Kyungah Kim, and Junghun Kim*. “A study on public acceptance of hydrogen portfolio standard for renewable energy expansion: Comparative analysis of hydrogen production mix plans.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 49, Part D, pp. 538–552. 2 January 2024. (SCIE), (IF 8.1 / JCR Top 12.2%).
  • [4] Kyungah Kim, Sungho Moon, and Junghun Kim*. “How is it far from your home? Strategic policy and management to overcome barriers of introducing fuel-cell power generation facilities.” Energy Policy, Volume 182, 113746. November 2023. (SSCI), (IF 9.3 / JCR Top 1.1%).
  • [5] Kyungah Kim, Jihye Choi, Jihee Lee, Jongsu Lee, and Junghun Kim*. “Public preferences and increasing acceptance of time-varying electricity pricing in South Korea.” Energy Economics, Volume 119, 106382. March 2023. (SSCI), (IF 13.6, JCR Top 0.1%).
  • [6] Kyungah Kim, Sungho Moon, Jongsu Lee, and Junghun Kim*. “Environmental impacts of transportation policy and vehicle market share predictions.” Transportation Research Part D, Volume 114, 103550. January 2023. (SSCI), (IF 7.3, JCR Top 7.9%).
  • [7] Sungho Moon, Kyungah Kim, Hyunchan Seung, and Junghun Kim*. “Strategic analysis on effects of technologies, government policies, and consumer perceptions on diffusion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.” Energy Economics, Volume 115, 106382. November 2022. (SSCI), (IF 13.6, JCR Top 0.1%).
  • [8] Seho Kim, Changhee Lee, Junghun Kim*, and Jongsu Lee. “Over-the-top bundled services in the Korean broadcasting and telecommunications market: Consumer preference analysis using a mixed logit model.” Telematics and Informatics, Volume 61, 101599. August 2021. (SSCI), (IF 7.6, JCR Top 3.4%).
  • [9] Kyungah Kim, Junghun Kim*, and Jongsu Lee. “Can liquefied petroleum gas vehicles join the fleet of alternative fuel vehicles? Implications of transportation policy based on market forecast and environmental impact.” Energy Policy, Volume 154, 112311. July 2021. (SSCI), (IF 9.3, JCR Top 1.1%).
  • [10] Imjung Kim, Junghun Kim*, and Jongsu Lee. “Dynamic Analysis of Well-to-Wheel Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Focusing on Consumer Preference and Power Mix Changes in South Korea.” Applied Energy, Volume 260, 114281. February 2020. (SCIE), (IF 10.1, JCR Top 6.2%).
  • [11] Junghun Kim, Hyunchan Seung, Jongsu Lee, and Joongha Ahn*. “Asymmetric preference and loss aversion for electric vehicles: The reference-dependent choice model capturing different preference directions.” Energy Economics, Volume 86, 104666. February 2020. (SSCI), (IF 13.6, JCR Top 0.1%).
  • [12] Junghun Kim, Hyunjoo Lee, and Jongsu Lee*. “Smartphone preferences and brand loyalty: A discrete choice model reflecting the reference point and peer effect.” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 52, 101907. January 2020. (SSCI), (IF 11.0, JCR Top 2.5%). 
  • [13] Junghyo Lee, Junghun Kim, and Jae Young Choi*. “The adoption of virtual reality devices: The technology acceptance model integrating enjoyment, social interaction, and strength of the social ties.” Telematics and Informatics, Volume 39, pp.37–48. June 2019. (SSCI), (IF 7.6, JCR Top 3.4%).
  • [14] Minji Kim, Seho Kim, and Junghun Kim*. “Can mobile and biometric payments replace cards in the offline payments market? Consumer preference analysis for payment systems using a discrete choice model.” Telematics and Informatics, Volume 38, pp.46–58. May 2019. (SSCI), (IF 7.6, JCR Top 3.4%).
  • [15] Junghun Kim, Stephen Youngjun Park, and Jongsu Lee*. “Do people really want renewable energy? Who wants renewable energy?: Discrete choice model of reference-dependent preference in South Korea.” Energy Policy, Volume 120, pp.761–770. September 2018. (SSCI), (IF 9.3, JCR Top 1.1%).
  • [16] Junghun Kim, Hyunhong Choi, Heecheon Cho, Junsang Kim, and Yoonmo Koo*. “Effects of degrees of acceptance and awareness on a rate system for lowering mobile bills.” Telecommunications Policy, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp.273–281. May 2017. (SSCI), (IF 5.9, JCR Top 1.5%). 
  • [17] Junghun Kim, Sangkyu Park, Heecheon Cho, Junsang Kim, and Jae Young Choi*. “Public trust in a mobile device and service policy in South Korea: The Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act.” Telematics and Informatics, Volume 34, Issue 2, pp.540–547. May 2017. (SSCI), (IF 7.6, JCR Top 3.4%).
  • [18] Junghun Kim, Jongsu Lee, and Joongha Ahn*. “Reference-dependent preferences on smart phones in South Korea: Focusing on attributes with heterogeneous preference direction.” Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 64, pp.393–400. November 2016. (SSCI), (IF 9.0, JCR Top 2.5%).

PUBLICATIONS (Korean Journals) :
  • [1] 김진석, 이영인, 김정훈, 이종수* (2023). “국내 인터넷서비스제공자 매출액 관련 해외 콘텐츠제공자의 기여도 분석: 결합상품에 대한 소비자 선호를 기반으로” 한국혁신학회지, 18권 4호.
  • [2] 김경아, 김진형, 김정훈, 이종수* (2023). “해외 CP의 국내 ISP 3사에 대한 매출액 기여분 추정: 망 사용료 이슈를 중심으로” 정보통신정책연구, 30권 4호
  • [3] 김정훈*. “소비자 선호구조를 고려한 하이테크 제품에 대한 중소기업 마케팅전략: 웨어러블기기를 중심으로” 산업연구, 35-1.
  • [4] 김정훈*. “소비자 태도, 소비자 혁신성, 탐색 용이성이 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향: 이케아 브랜드를 중심으로” 산업연구, 36-1.

  • 원자력 미래경쟁력 제고를 위한 정책세미나, 한국수력원자력, 2024.3. ~  2024.9.
  • 에너지공기업의 정보서비스 관련 자회사 역할 및 자산매각 이슈 검토, 전국공공산업노동조합연맹, 2023.10.~2024.3.
  • 디지털/미디어 미래 발전을 위한 종합 전략 연구, 방송통신위원회, 2023.10. ~ 2023. 12.
  • 망 이용대가의 소비자 후생 변화 및 경제적 파급효과 분석, 구글(Google), 2023.03. ~ 2023.06.
  • 발전부문 탄소중립정책 이행방안 도출 용역, 한국남부발전, 2022.10. ~ 2023.07.
  • K-water 재생에너지 가치증진 방안 수립 용역, 한국수자원공사, 2022.09. ~ 2023.02.
  • 부유식 해상풍력 발전전략 도출을 위한 방향, 한국에너지공단, 2022.08. ~ 2022.12.
  • 전력계통 유연성 확보를 위한 에너지 저장 믹스 수립에 관한 연구, 한국전력공사, 2022.03. ~ 2023.03.
  • 전력수요 분산과 계통혼잡 해소를 위한 전력계통 영향평가 적용 방안에 관한 연구, 한국전력공사, 2022.03. ~ 2023.03.
  • 에너지정책부문의 행동경제학기반 선택실험분석방법론 연구, 에너지경제연구원, 2021.12. ~ 2022.07.
  • 2050 탄소중립 하에서 발전부문 공기업 역할 및 산업구조 방향 제언, 전국공공산업노동조합연맹, 2021.12. ~ 2022.03.
  • 수소사회 이행 및 탄소중립 실현을 위한 정책 연구, 현대자동차, 2021.09. ~ 2021.12.
  • 반도체 고급 인력양성 연계 민관협력 산업원천기술개발사업 예비타당성조사, 산업통상자원부, 2020.10. ~ 2021.02.
  • LIFE 뇌과학사업 예비타당성조사, 과학기술정보통신부, 2020.04. ~ 2020.10.
  • 기술비지정형 R&D 예타 세부 추진전략 조사 개선을 위한 연구, 과학기술정책연구원, 2020.01. ~ 2020.11.
  • 국가연구개발사업 예비타당성조사(19년3차/4차), 과학기술정보통신부, 2020.01. ~ 2020.08.
  • 지상파방송사의 미래가치 극대화를 위한 전략 연구, 법무법인(유) 율촌, 2019.07. ~ 2019.10.
  • OTT 동영상서비스 실태조사 기획 및 구성에 관한 연구, 한국방송통신전파진흥원, 2019.04. ~ 2020.01.

      • 2014 Global Business Review Competition (Third Award) – “Case studies on Cause-Related Marketing & Corporation Strategy Research combining SNS and Consumer Characteristics.” Nov 22, 2014. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Association.
      • 2018 Spring TEMEP Workshop (Best Paper Award) – “Smartphone brand loyalty and preferences: A discrete choice model reflecting the reference-dependence preference and peer effect.” May 15, 2018. Technology Management Economics and Policy Program, Seoul National University.

계량경제학 이론에 기반을 둔 수요예측 방법론을 활용하여, 신제품과 신기술을 둘러싼 기업의 혁신적 마케팅 전략과 에너지 및 환경 분야에서 정부의 정책 방향을 제시하는 연구를 수행한다.

이와 함께, 행동경제학 및 인지심리학의 통찰력과 최첨단 머신러닝 기법을 결합한 새로운 방법론을 개발함으로써, 전통적인 경제모형 대비 우수한 설명력과 예측력으로 기업과 정부에 구체적이고 실질적인 가치를 제공하는 연구를 수행한다.